Code: MDC
Description: Evergreen tree, up to 15m. high. Young stems spinous and pubescent Leaves alternate, ovate, base round, apex pointed; margins toothed; pubescent when young, then glabrous. Inflorescence in axillary cluster; flowers 3-5, white. Drupe globose, slightly compressed, greenish-yellow when ripe, edible. The species Docynia indica (Wall.) Decne is also used medicinally.
Flowering period: February - March.
Distribution: Grows wild and is cultivated in mountainous regions.
Parts used: The fruit, collected at the end of the year, is halved and dried in the sun.
Chemical composition: The fruit contains tannin, sugars, and tartaric and citric acids.
Therapeutic uses: The fruit possesses stomachic properties. It is used in treating dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, diarrhoea and colic consequent upon post-partum haematometra. It is also antihypertensive and anodyne. The usual dose is 8 to 20g in the form of a decoction, liquid extract, powder or pills. Bathing and washing with a decoction of the fruit are effective against impetigo and lacquer allergic dermatitis.