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Lemon leaf is not just a kind of spice

( Update: 07/10/2014 )

Lemon trees are grown very popular in our country . People planted to citrus fruit and leaves eaten as spices . Folk medicine uses fruit , stem bark , leaves and roots for medicinal lemon . Article would introduce the drug from lemon leaves .
Just do not lime leaves are used as spices help your appetite but also very effective medicines . Lemon Leaves ovate , long , leaf -shaped serrated edges . When used as a tobacco harvest of lemon washed , chopped or raw , dried in the sun where there is not , in dry storage for personal use or can be used fresh .
Spicy sweet lime leaves , effects of moderate peace talks , only concepts , antiseptic and expectorant consumption . Used to treat cough due to cold , no fever sweating , support asthma treatment ... Especially in lemon leaves many pleasant fragrance oils so often used as the raw material for pot feels rushed .
Cough due to cold :
5g fresh lemon , fresh ginger 3g . All washed, sliced ​​ginger , 400ml water is excellent for 100ml , when drinking more sugar . Use for 3-5 days .
Not sweating fever : 30g dried lime leaves (fresh 10g ) , excellent drinking water during the day . Or lime leaves 20g , 15g frequency chrysanthemum leaves , leaf 5g grapefruit , tangerine peel 10g , excellent drink during the day . Used in 2 -3 days .
Supportive treatment of bronchial asthma : dried lime leaves 35g , 15g dodder , all gold colors with 3 star water bowl , take 1 cup , drink 2-3 times a day . Use continuously for 10 days .
Reduce pain and swelling caused by pimples ( not latex ) : 10g lemon leaf , watercress leaf spikes reach 8g , 10g crystal bamboo . Dried , powdered . Sprinkle with pimples where damage and tape in about 8 -10 minutes . Day 2 times . Last drugs help reduce pain and swelling pimples quickly .
Liver : lime leaves , spiny leaves , leaf blender ( you are all dry ) , each of 12g . Sac with 3 cup of water to 1 cup , divided drink 2 times / day , should be taken after breakfast and dinner . Carried out in 15 days .
Water helps to feel rushed , headaches :
Lime , pomelo leaves , basil , daisies frequency , bamboo leaves , each of 50g , 20g mint , lemongrass 2 celeriac, garlic 3 branches . All washed, steam cooking water for sweating . This helps to quickly remedy sweating , headaches and reduce the feeling is very effective .
Helps smooth hair fast long : leaves of lemon , pomelo leaves , holy basil ( you are all fresh ) , each of 30g , clean water to cook , to wash warm . Week shampoo 1 times .
According to Dr. Nguyen Huyen -