( Update: 26/03/2020 )
Currently the price of natural rubber in Vietnam through China and sold only at around 43 million / ton, as such, must be sold at close to cost price.
According to a representative of the Rubber Industry Group Vietnam (VRG), production costs per ton of rubber Vietnam currently at 42 million.
This translates into lower prices on more than 20 million / ton compared with VRG plan that the findings made business plan in 2012 and 2013 the Group's plans earlier this year.
Since early this year, rubber prices continued to fall in the market, the price point even export to 40 million / ton. The average price of the first 6 months of VRG sold 59.7 million / ton, down 11 million tonnes over the same period in 2012. Thereby, the business turnover of the VRG is 5,440 billion, equivalent to 64.5% last year.
Although the price of natural rubber fell but continued VRG said made plans to plant more acreage in the northern province, Cambodia, Laos. VRG explained that the reason can not take the fall in rubber prices in the past few months in a row to not plant. The reason, the rubber tree is perennial, so the expansion of the area is under long-term strategy of the Group.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the first 6 months of 2013 Vietnam exported 383,000 tonnes, valued at U.S. $ 976 million, but fell 5% in volume but decreased by 19.2% in value compared with the same period in 2012. Currently China is the largest export market accounting for 46% of the exports, followed by Malaysia with a market value of nearly 19%.
Source: http://www.tintucnongnghiep.com