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The use of ginger starch for health

( Update: 03/01/2020 )

Ginger starch is made from 100% pure fresh ginger. Using ginger starch has many uses in health care and beauty.

Characteristics: Ginger starch has a shape and color similar to cassava flour but has the aroma of ginger tasting spicy and preserves the use of fresh ginger that folk consider a good medicine.

Uses in healthcare:

- Treatment of stomachache, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal disorder, diarrhea. In addition, can improve the function of the digestive system, enhance nutrient absorption

  • How to use: 
    - Use about 2 tablespoons of ginger starch mixed with 30ml of boiling water to cool, after that time add about 2 tablespoons of honey, stir and drink it will help minimize intestinal diseases, prevent and cure stomach pain treatment

- Cure colds or heat stroke.

- Also very suitable for people who are tired of brain labor

- Promote defective air circulation system to cure low blood pressure

- Reduce arthritis, anti-inflammatory, treat numbness in hands and feet, especially can prevent wind, detoxify the liver for people who often use alcohol
Prevent cancer: Zingiberol ingredient in ginger starch curing cancer diseases such as lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc.

Slow down the aging process and prevent wrinkles

Heal concave scars and treat dark spots effectively by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin to help fill concave scars and heal scars.

Good anti-inflammatory, good bactericidal effect: fighting against the main causes of acne such as bacteria, inflammation ... balances the skin, renews the skin, pushes the aging stage, removes marks acne.

  • How to use:
    - Create a mixture of ginger starch mixed with cucumber juice at a ratio of 1: 1 and about 10 ml of virgin coconut oil, after that time apply on acne skin area for about 20 minutes and then clean the face skin. warm water. Regularly using the mixture will help the skin quickly regenerate new cells, reduce the formation of acne scars on the skin.


    -Mix the mixture of ginger starch and yogurt in a ratio of 1: 1, then rub on the acne-prone skin, relax for 10 minutes and wash your face with warm water. persevere after 4 weeks of use will remove ugly acne spots, smooth skin.

    - Ginger starch + orange juice + sandalwood powder used to control oil secretion on the face. Rub twice a week for 10 minutes then clean your face with warm water.

    - Honey + Starch + Lemon: This is a beauty formula that helps your skin to be brighter and prevent blackheads effectively. Just a teaspoon of ginger starch mixed with a teaspoon of honey and about 10 ml of lemon, After a while you can apply this mask on the skin relaxes for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with hot water .