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( Update: 27/12/2017 )

Corn supply for health benefits , including cancer prevention .
Corn supply for health benefits , including cancer prevention .
Many minerals help repel disease

Rich mineral content in corn helps create a shield for the body to fight disease .
Prevention of anemia

Anemia is a lack of vitamin B12 , folic acid and iron. Eat your muscles will help prevent anemia because corn contains the foregoing, necessary for the formation of red blood cells.
Cancer Prevention
Levels of antioxidants in corn helps repel many cancers . Phenolic compounds as weapons against carcinogenesis , and help fight breast cancer and liver disease . The other antioxidant substances can destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy cells .

Vitamin B1 is found in corn helps a chemical transmitter acetylcholine - neurons for memory . Lack of vitamin B1 will make your mind always in a state of fatigue and memory loss . A bowl of corn could meet about 24 % of the vitamins that your body needs every day .
Good for eyes

Corn Corn is rich in beta - carotenoids and folate , here are two substances help to slow the recession -related macular age . Beta - carotenoids in corn when the body turns into vitamin A at a rate higher than other vegetables . Vitamin A is essential for the eyes to have a beautiful morning .
Diabetes Control
Diabetics are advised to put corn in the diet . Many studies show that people who eat corn at risk of diabetes than others .
beautiful skin

Many pharmaceutical companies in the world have discovered the beauty benefits of corn should use it to extract more nutrition components in pharmaceutical production . However, the simplest way is to eat regular corn will help the skin to more personable . If your skin is allergic , pounding fresh corn seed and massage into place is allergic itch will ease .