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Gac fruit's great effect on health

( Update: 19/10/2018 )

Gac is a familiar fruit and is grown throughout our country, many people only know the use of gac through the dish is the sticky rice gấc used in the holidays. However, the effect of gac on human health is little known. The big pharmaceutical companies of the United States, as Gac fruit is a fruit from heaven and is a medicine for health.

Cancer prevention

According to American scientists, lycopene in tomatoes has the ability to prevent cancer, limiting the growth of cancer cells. According to the University of California, the Lycopene content in Gac is 70 times higher. Not only that, Gac also contains many other substances such as vitamin E, carotene ... to disable 75% of carcinogens, especially breast cancer, prostate cancer ...

Reduce cholesterol

Gac is considered a good food for people with excess cholesterol in the blood. With regular and continuous use of gac, you and your family will reduce unwanted cholesterol, strengthen the arteries, prevent atherosclerosis, thereby preventing seizures, bring you healthy circulatory system, good for the heart, against cardiovascular disease, seizures, enhance longevity.

Good for sexual health

Beta carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) in Gac oil is good for sexual health because vitamin A has a special effect on promoting the process of making protein molecules to nourish the body.

Vitamin A deficiency seriously affects the functioning of genital cells in the production of sperm and eggs as well as changes in the structure of the genitals such as vas deferens, prostate, uterus, ovaries ...


Gac fruit
Advanced immune system and anti-aging

Curcumin in Gac oil has the ability to remove the cancer-causing free radicals present in food and water. At the same time improve the resistance, physical strength. Besides curcumin is considered precious, but Beta Carotene contained in the film of gac also have strong antioxidant effects, enhance the body's resistance. Helps the body to improve the body's immune system.

Curcumin is a typical anti-oxidant, anti-aging (some studies have shown that curcumin is 300 times more antioxidant than vitamin E), Curcumin works to remove freckles, prevent wrinkles, pink, smooth, anti-alopecia, help to quickly grow hair, prevent obesity, regulate blood pressure.

Stable nervous system

Gac is rich in selenium, minerals and vitamins, which are useful in stabilizing the nervous system and acting against the manifestations of depression, a disease that is increasing in children and adolescents. Bear the pressure of life today.

Enhance eyesight and skin beauty

Gac is rich in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, helps to brighten the eyes and cures some eye diseases. Many studies have confirmed that gac and Gac oil are considered as the leading food in skin smooth, white roses by composition of Gac and Gac oil including β-carotene (pre-vitamin A) 1.8 times higher As compared to mungbean liver oil, 15 times as much as carrots, pure natural β-carotene should have the strongest anti-aging effect while supplementing with vitamin A to maintain healthy, soft skin. And smooth, increase elasticity and moisture to the skin.

Can be used instead of bear bile

In traditional medicine of Vietnam, gac seed is considered as a substitute for bear bile for treatment of traumatic, swollen and mucosal diseases .