Code: HCW
Description: twining suffrutescent climber. Stems cylindrical, swollen at the nodes. Leaves opposite, dark-green above, pale below; stipule ciliate. Inflorescence in axillary or terminal paniculate cyme; flowers white or yellowish-white. Capsule small, many-seeded, crowned by segments of the persistent calyx. All parts of the plant are densely tomentose.
Flowering period: May - July.
Distribution: grows wild in the hills and mountains.
Parts used: The whole plant, harvested the whole year round, but preferably in spring and summer, is washed and dried in the sun or in ovens.
Chemical composition: The whole plant contains alkaloids, saponins and tannin.
Therapeutic uses: The stem offers an effective remedy for gastralgia, gastric ulcer and heartburn. The usual dose is 20 to 40 g per day in the form of a decoction, powder or extract, divided into 2 subdoses, during the colic pains or before meals. A mouth-wash prepared with Hedyotisstem liquid extract and honey is used for ulcerous stomatitis. A poultice made of pounded fresh leaves acts as a vulnerary, promoting tissue regeneration in wounds.