Code: KPP
Description: Perennial succulent herb, 40-60cm. high. Stems tubular and glabrous, mottled with purple. Leaves opposite, entire or 3-lobed, rarely 5-7-lobed; blade thick and fleshy; margins crenate. Inflorescence in terminal paniculate cyme with long stalk; flowers pendulous, red or orange-red. Fruit of 4 follicles.
Flowering period: January - March.
Distribution: Commonly found in arid soil and cultivated for ornament.
Parts used: The leaves, which can be harvested all the year round, are used fresh.
Chemical composition: The whole plant contains bryophyllin and organic acids: citric, isocitric and malic.
Therapeutic uses: The fresh leaves, which possess antibacterial and demulcent properties, are used in the treatment of bums, wounds, impetigo, ulcer, phlegmon and congestive ophthalmia; they are also haemostatic and depurative. They are administered daily in a dose of 20 to 40g in the form of juice. Poultices and ointments are prepared with fresh leaves for external application.