Code: JSB
Description: Small trailing shrub. Branches glabrous. Leaves opposite, glabrous and shining on both surfaces, 3 nerves from the base. Inflorescence in axillary or terminal raceme; flowers 2-3, white, fragrant Berry globose with remains of persistent calyx, black when ripe.
Flowering period: March - April.
Distribution: Grows wild in the mountains and the midlands.
Parts used: Leaf-bearing twigs, collected all the year round. They are used in the dried state.
Chemical composition: The leaves contain alkaloids, resins and flavonoids.
Therapeutic uses: The branches and the leaves possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They are used in treating post-partum hyperthermic infection, lymphadenitis, metritis, galactophoritis, leucorrhoea, rheumatism, ostealgia, impetigo, prurigo, dysmenorrhoea and haematometra. They are also effective as a bitter tonic for parturients. The daily dose is 20 to 30g in decoction form. A decoction of the fresh leaves is used for washing and bathing in the case of wounds and impetigo and a fresh-leaf poultice is used for abscesses and mastitis.